How To Install Sapcar

I have a file called commanKT and want to run it in a Linux terminal. Can someone help by giving the command to run this file? I tried ./commonRT but I'm getting the error:

  • Put the file sapcar.exe (see previous step) and the SWPM.SAR file in one folder. Open a command prompt and move into the folder you created. Extract the SWPM.SAR file with the following command: sapcar –xvfz SWPM.SAR. The SAR archive is now being extracted into a sub-folder. Run the Installation. 2.1 Run Prerequisites Check.
  • ODBC, Client, SAPCAR, hdbinst, hdbsetup., KBA, HAN-DB-CLI, SAP HANA Clients (JDBC, ODBC), How To About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article.
  • 14 Run ABAP program from Excel 8 Extract SAP table Data from Excel 7 Extract SAP Table structure from Excel 6 Optimizing the number of SAP work processes.

Most of SAP installation files are delivered in compressed form. The files are compressed in order to make them smaller and therefore better stored on installation media in so called archive. In particular SAP is using their tool to do compression related stuff. The toll is called SAPCAR (formerly CAR). Installation of the Studio is straightforward. On Windows, just run the hdbsetup.exe program in the installation folder, as shown in the following screenshot: Then just follow the instructions. The only information that you’ll need to provide is the destination folder for the installation, and you can usually leave the default value as it is.


11 Answers

To execute a binary, use: ./binary_name.

If you get an error:

bash: ./binary_name: cannot execute binary file

it'll be because it was compiled using a tool chain that was for a different target to that which you're attempting to run the binary on.

For example, if you compile 'binary_name.c' with arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc and try run the generated binary on an x86 machine, you will get the aforementioned error.

To execute a binary or .run file in Linux from the shell, use the dot forward slash friend

and if it fails say because of permissions, you could try this before executing it

Hope it helps

Olu SmithOlu Smith

Practical guidelines on fluid therapy pdf. :-) If not typo, why are you using ./commonRT instead of ./commonKT ??


It is possible that you compiled your binary with incompatible architecture settings on your build host vs. your execution host.Can you please have a look at the enabled target settings via

on your build host? In particular, the COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS variable may give you valuable debug info. Then have a look at the CPU capabilities on your execution host via

Look out for mismatches such as -msse4.2 [enabled] on your build host but a missing sse4_2 flag in the CPU capabilities.

If that doesn't help, please provide the output of ldd commonKT on both build and execution host.

This is an answer to @craq :

I just compiled the file from C source and set it to be executable with chmod. There were no warning or error messages from gcc.

I'm a bit surprised that you had to 'set it to executable' -- my gcc always sets the executable flag itself. This suggests to me that gcc didn't expect this to be the final executable file, or that it didn't expect it to be executable on this system.

Now I've tried to just create the object file, like so:

(hello.c is a typical 'Hello World' program.) But my error message is a bit different:

On the other hand, this way, the output of the file command is identical to yours:

Whereas if I compile correctly, its output is much longer.

What I am saying is: I suspect it has something to do with the way you compile and link your code. Maybe you can shed some light on how you do that?


The only way that works for me (extracted from here):

Then run it by writing

If you get a permission error you might have to launch your application with root privileges:


Or, the file is of a filetype and/or architecture that you just cannot run with your hardware and/or there is also no fallback binfmt_misc entry to handle the particular format in some other way. Use file(1) to determine.

your compilation option -c makes your compiling just compilation and assembly, but no link.


If it is not a typo, as pointed out earlier, it could be wrong compiler options like compiling 64 bit under 32 bit. It must not be a toolchain.

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full path for binary file. For example: /home/vitaliy2034/binary_file_name. Oruse directive './+binary_file_name'.'./' in unix system it return full path to directory, in which you open terminal(shell).I hope it helps.Sorry, for my english language)

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On the fly from Windows explorer. No need to type SAPCAR. First, double-click on any SAR or CAR files. Adobe pagemaker 6.5 plus. It will ask you with which program to open this file. Age of empire 2 game. Click on OTHER. Find the path to SAPCAR and Click OPEN. Now, click on 'OK'. This will fail but it's OK for now. Do the same for the other type (SAR or CAR). SAPCAR (older version was called CAR) is a compress utility (similar to winzip, tar, zip, gz, etc.), that is used by SAP to compress and decompress nearly all delivered files and executables. On Windows Operating Systems, the executables are called SAPCAR.EXE and CAR.EXE.


How To Install Sapcar On Suse

You want to use SAPCAR functionality in Windows XP operating system.


1. Login to SAP Service Marketplace. Go to Software Download > Search for Software Downloads. Search for keyword “SAPCAR”.

2. Choose any of the latest SAPCAR from the search result. Ensure, you are selecting and downloading SAPCAR.EXE with 32-bit functionality.

3. Go to the directory of your downloaded SAPCAR location and execute the SAPCAR command. For easier execution, you can just put the SAPCAR.EXE and the SAR file into 1 folder location. As in this example, both SAPCAR.EXE and TEST.SAR are in folder D:itsititest.

4. You are now successfully un-car the SAR file and you can check the files extracted.

In this blog, we explain how to extract the SAP HANA client on macOS. Files on SAP Software Downloads have the SAR extension. This provides a few challenges on the latest macOS versions but nothing we can’t handle.

Any good? Post a comment, share on social media, and/or give a like. That’s how the community works. Thanks!.

The new archiving tool SAPCAR

How To Install Sapcar.exe On Linux

Older readers might remember when SAP introduced a new archiving tool to replace the previous CAR (Compressed ARchive) utility some two decades ago. The tools were not compatible, so for SAPCAR the extension SAR was chosen.

  • 212876 – The new archiving tool SAPCAR (2000)

SAPCAR only exists as command line tool, there is no graphical version, and the syntax resembles that of the UNIX TAR utility with -x for extract, -v for verbose (show me), and -f for file, to list a few common ones.

How To Install Sapcar On Linux

Tar was developed to bundle a number of files into a single Tape ARchive file (but works on disk too). Tar does not compress files and so it is often used together with zip to create a zipped tarball, which somewhat resembles our SAR files.

How to install sapcar on mac

As Linux and macOS are UNIX descendants, we find tar on these operating systems as well.

SAP Service Marketplace is being retired

To download SAP software, we need to navigate to Software Downloads on the SAP ONE Support Launchpad. This used to be the Software Download Center (SWDC) on the SAP Service Marketplace (SMP) but that was decommissioned in 2018. You might still find references to SWDC or SMP as not everybody read the blog post yet

  • SAP Service Marketplace is being retired (2018)

Or maybe because the shortcut still works


From Software Downloads, we can download the in-memory database SAP HANA client 2.0. There is one for Linux, UNIX (several versions), Microsoft Windows, and macOS.

  • File type: SAR
  • Operating system: MACOS X 64-BIT

What version do you need? Always pick the latest as there is a “single public release” strategy which “removes ambiguity about which version to install, brings the benefits of new performance or stability improvements to all customers”.


There is a SAPCAR utility for most operating systems and this includes (as of 7.21) macOS.

  • File type: EXE
  • Operating system: MACOS X 64-BIT

Because Microsoft Windows applications are not supported on macOS

From the Windows world we have learned that we can double-click executable files (EXE) to execute. Doing so, will return a friendly message that Microsoft Windows applications are not supported on macOS.

The developer cannot be verified

Because of the EXE extension, macOS assumes it is a Windows binary. When we open Terminal and do a file check with the file command, this confirms it is a Mach-O 64-bit executable: perfectly fine.

Executing the file however returns permission denied because the download comes with only RW permissions for the current user. This is easy to fix with a chmod u+x.

At this stage, macOS protection kicks in to as the file is unsigned and might as well be malware. Move to Bin? No. Cancel.

Allow Anyway

If you agree that SAP software can be trusted, open System Preferences > Security & Privacy and select Allow Anyway

Are you sure you want to open it?

Run the SAPCAR command again and select Open to allow.


Just running the command returns usage. Watch naruto shippuden english dubbed. To extract files from an archive:

As the version number and the .EXE file extension serve no particular purpose, let’s rename the file and, while at it, move it to the bin directory so we do not have to specify current directory when not in the path (./). As we move the file to a protected directory this requires superuser (su) permission:

Long Story, Short Story

Ablebits for mac software. For those that prefer a shortcut, here are the commands that rename the file, set the execution bit, the proper group, and remove the quarantine property. Thanks to Witalij Rudnicki for the last one.

Install the SAP HANA Client

Tools On-Demand

If you prefer, you can also download the SAP HANA client from the SAP Development Tools website: (for the story behind the URL, see At Your Service: SAP HANA in the Cloud).

For macOS, this download comes as a zipped tarball (.tar,gz).

To extract, run the command

Or in case you have configured macOS to automatically extract zipped files, with

Common Crypto Lib

However, although the release number is the same (2.4), only the client from Software Downloads contains the SAP cryptography library Common Crypto Lib (CCL).

You will need this to connect with your client to the SAP HANA Service, for example. See

Sapcar Windows 12

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Sapcar On Windows

How To Install Sapcar

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How To Install Sapcar In Windows

Denys van Kempen